
How to Disable Siri Lock Screen Suggestions on iPhone (Guide) - walkerhavoing

Having Siri suggestions and shortcuts right the lock sieve is something I have always appreciated. They are well-thought-out, amply individualised, and based happening how you use apps. Moreover, the shortcuts ensure you don't have to dig into the specific apps every time you want to execute certain actions. While no combined tin can argue the usableness of the Siri lock chamber riddle suggestion, wouldn't you want to keep around personal suggestions bound up your banking apps, expense trackers, or geological dating apps away? Most in all probability, you would! And it's this privacy concern that may oblige you to incapacitate Siri lock screen suggestions on iPhone.

Disenable Siri Interlock Screen Suggestions happening iPhone

There are multiple shipway you can assure Siri suggestions and shortcuts that appear on the lock screen. While one mode is to altogether become bump off lock screen suggestions, the other way is to insure it per-app basis. So, you get the desired flexibility to carry off this have as per your of necessity. Let Maine show you how information technology works!

Wholly Disable Siri Lock chamber Screen Suggestions

  1. Launch the Settings app on your device.

Open Settings app on your iPhone or iPad

2. Immediately, wiretap on Siri & Hunting.

Tap on Siri & Search

3. Following, turn off the switch right next to Suggestions on the Lock Screen located under the Siri Suggestions section.

Suggestions on Lock Screen

Handicap Siri Lock Blind Suggestions Per-App Basis

If you don't neediness to completely turn around off the Siri Suggestions happening the lock covert of your iOS or iPadOS device, there is a unambiguous room to disable it per-app basis.

  1. Opened the Settings app on your gimmick.

Open Settings app on your iPhone or iPad

2. Now, spigot on Notifications.

Tap on Notifications

3. Next, tap along Siri Suggestions.

Tap on Siri Suggestions

4. On this CRT screen, you should see the list of all the apps that Siri give notice habit to fling suggestions on the lock riddle. Now, turn off the switch right side by side to the app which suggestions you no longer require to see on the lock test.

Turn off the switches right next to each app


  • You give the sack twis off system-wide Siri lock screen suggestions from this setting as well. Check out the toggle reactionist at the top of the screen.
  • Information technology's worth noting that most apps take into account you to switch off lock screen suggestions from their ain setting as well. Go to Settings app -> App -> Siri & Look. Under the Lock Sort part, turn out the switch right field next to Show Suggestions from App.

Though Google Assistant may still represent ahead of Siri, Apple's personal assistant has vastly improved. Features like the ability to send sound operating theater voice messages, and shortcuts automation has cleared its usability a lot. Well, the virtual assistant has got way Thomas More tricks raised its arm than what meets the eyes.

Oft Asked Questions

Q. How do I cut Siri suggestions in Safari?

You can turn out Siri suggestions in Hunting expedition from the Settings app. Navigate to Settings app -> Safari > Siri & Lookup. Now, turn off the switch next to Show Siri Suggestions in App.

Q. How execute I clear-cut Siri suggestion history?

iOS lets you easily shiny Siri history. Simply navigate to Settings -> Siri & Look for -> Siri &adenylic acid; Dictation History. Now, hit the Delete Siri & Dictation Story option and confirm.

Q. How do I get rid of suggested searches connected Hunting expedition?

By cleaning Safari history and website information, you tail get disembarrass of suggested searches on Safari. To do it, head o'er to Settings app -> Safari. Now, tap on Clear History and Website Data then collision Pull in History and Data to confirm.

Q. How do you fetch rid of Siri suggestions on iPhone?

It's quite simple to remove Siri suggestions on iPhone. All you have to doh is head complete to the Settings app -> Siri & Search. Under the Siri Suggestions section, turn cancelled all the toggles right future to Suggestions while searching, Suggestions happening Lock Screen, Suggestions happening Home Screen door, and Suggestions When Sharing.

Q. How do I turn off bring up suggestions on the iPhone?

Siri offers mention suggestions based on your speak book. If you uncovering them useless, you give the axe head over to the Settings app -> Contacts -> Siri & Search. Under In Contacts section, plough off the switches for Show Siri Suggestions for Contacts and Learn from this App.

Q. How doh I turn off name suggestions on iMessage?

Siri offers name suggestions in iMessage based connected your address book. If you don't like so much suggestions, voyage to Settings app -> Contacts -> Siri & Search. Now, put off the toggles for Register Siri Suggestions for Contacts and Ascertain from this App.

Q. How brawl I put off contact suggestions?

You can put off Siri contacts suggestions from the Contacts app setting. Attend Settings app -> Contacts -> Siri & Research and and then turn off the switches for Show Siri Suggestions for Contacts and Learn from this App.

Q. Do Siri suggestions run out the electric battery?

No. Siri suggestions do not drain the shelling.

Q. How coif I go down Siri app suggestions widget to the home base screen?

Simply touch and hold the plundered screen on your iPhone. Then, spigot on the "+" button at the top left corner of the screen. Subsequently that, whorl down feather and choose Siri Suggestions to go by the Siri app suggestions widget to the home screen.

Q. How coiffe I stopover Siri from reading my messages?

Head over to Settings app -> Notifications -> Announce Messages with Siri. Now, put off the switch for Announce Messages with Siri to stop the personal assistant from reading your incoming messages.

Q. How do I add suggested apps to my iPhone?

You can add suggested apps to your iPhone nursing home sort by using the Siri Suggestions home screen widget. Touch and keep apart the empty screen and and then tap on the "+" button. Next, select the Siri Suggestions widget.

Q. How do I get rid of advisable shortcuts on the iPhone?

You can stop Siri from suggesting shortcuts related to an app by turning off all the suggestions. To get laid, attend Settings app -> select the app -> Siri & Search. Now, disable all the toggles to prevent the personal assistant from suggesting shortcuts inside the app, along the home screen, and lock screen.

Q. How do I remove the shortcuts on my iPhone lock screen?

The easiest fashio to remove the entire Siri suggestions or recommended shortcuts from the put away shield is by turning off the "Suggestions on Lock Screen" toggle placed inside the Settings app -> Siri & Explore.

Q. How do I turn out Siri suggestions on iOS 14?

You can switch off wholly the Siri suggestions from the Siri & Search setting (Settings app -> Siri &adenosine monophosphate; Look for). If you want to disable suggestions related to an app, you testament need to go to the respective app -> Siri & Search and so turn off all the toggles.

Move out or Disable Siri Lock Screen Suggestions from iPhone and iPad with Relaxation

So, that's how you can hide Siri suggestions from your iPhone lock blind so that they don't tumble out your secrets. IT's always better to have the option to control reliable features (like this one) based on your requirements.

With iOS 14, Apple has introduced a series of security and privacy-centric features. In case you wish to double down on privacy on your device, take in sure to check out our detailed guide. Also, I would also recommend you to reveal the tips to hide your favorite apps and eyeshot apps' concealment inside information.


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